

项目名称 美国初高中虚拟学校项目



GradPoint™采用的几个学习路径,基于美国著名教育心理学家罗伯特•加涅(Robert Mills Gagne)的“九段事件教学法”(Nine Events of Instruction)、“视觉素养”(Visual Literacy)以及“认知负荷理论”(Cognitive Load Theory)等理念来设计教学的最佳实践,允许学生们用自己的方式和进度安排学习,从而取得可衡量、有保障的学习效果。

  • 性质:虚拟学校-数字化学习解决方案

  • 地区:全国

  • 类别:美国初高中课程

For Students:Your future lies ahead
  • Earn or recover credits and master required skills.
    Plug your students into a personalized learning path to make up credits and master core skills whenever and wherever are right for them.

  • Engage with your studies.
    Your students will stay interested and motivated to continue learning with videos, interactive activities and concepts presented with just the right amount of information.

  • Prepare for a brighter future.
    While earning the credits they need to graduate with their peers, your students will also be gaining the 21st century skills they need to be ready for college or their first career.

For Teachers: Satisfaction lies ahead.
  • Spend more time on what’s really important.
    GradPoint delivers the curriculum and classroom management resources you need all on an easy-to-use, online learning platform. Access student data when you need it to focus on teaching that improves individual student outcomes.

  • Personalize instruction to meet students' needs.
    With multiple learning paths, you can prescribe needed lessons to fill in knowledge gaps and help students move forward quickly. You'll increase student engagement with blended learning, and prepare students for high-stakes exams.

  • Help more students reach graduation day.
    Give your students a quality education that prepares them for 21st century learning with rigorous courses similar to online college courses and career training.

For Administrators: District-wide achievement lies ahead.
  • Reduce dropout rates and meet on-time graduation targets.
    By providing an online 24/7 option, you'll open up more opportunities for success to your struggling high school and middle school students. Best of all, you can do it within your current infrastructure and budget.

  • Improve teacher and student satisfaction.
    Provide a wider variety of award-winning course offerings including AP, honors, electives, higher-level math and science, and remediation courses to challenge and suit a wide-spectrum of learners. With quality content and more student engagement, good teachers perform even better.

  • Build positive community relations.
    When you personalize learning, students and parents become more involved and form stronger bonds with your school and your teachers. GradPoint not only helps students build college- and career-ready skills, but also belief in themselves and their mentors.



  • GradPoint启动服务于6-12年级学生的在线学习平台了解更多>>

  • 培生中国郑梁栋:数字化在国际基础教育的应用了解更多>>



  • 联系人:张龙华 Eric Zhang

  • 电话:010-5735 5157  

  • 手机:138 1085 1945

  • 邮箱:eric.zhang@pearson.com

  • 联系人:王石开 Ginger Wang

  • 电话:021-5178 2666

  • 手机:139 1758 9625

  • 邮箱:ginger.wang@pearson.com